Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library
ranges::v3 Namespace Reference

Protect a callable so that it can be safely used in a bind expression without accidentally becoming a "nested" bind. More...


struct  accumulate_fn
struct  adaptor_base
struct  adaptor_cursor
struct  adaptor_sentinel
struct  adjacent_difference_fn
struct  adjacent_filter_view
struct  adjacent_find_fn
struct  adjacent_remove_if_view
struct  all_of_fn
struct  any
struct  any_of_fn
struct  any_view
 A type-erased view. More...
struct  as_function_fn
struct  at_fn
struct  back_fn
struct  back_inserter_fn
struct  bad_any_cast
struct  basic_common_reference
 Users can specialize this to hook the CommonReference concept. More...
struct  basic_iterator
struct  basic_mixin
struct  basic_sentinel
struct  basic_view
struct  begin_tag
struct  bidirectional_iterator_tag
struct  binary_search_fn
struct  bind_element
struct  bind_element< reference_wrapper< T, RValue > >
struct  bind_element< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  bitwise_or
struct  bounded_view
class  box
class  box< Element, Tag, detail::box_compress::coalesce >
class  box< Element, Tag, detail::box_compress::ebo >
struct  chunk_view
struct  closed_iota_view
 An iota view in a closed range with non-random access iota value type. More...
struct  coerce
struct  coerce< T & >
struct  coerce< T && >
struct  coerce< T const >
struct  common_pair
struct  common_reference
 Users can specialize this to hook the CommonReference concept. More...
struct  common_reference< T >
struct  common_reference< T, U >
struct  common_reference< T, U, Vs... >
struct  common_tuple
struct  common_type
 Users should specialize this to hook the Common concept until std gets a SFINAE-friendly std::common_type and there's some sane way to deal with cv and ref qualifiers. More...
struct  common_type< T >
struct  common_type< T, U >
struct  common_type< T, U, Vs... >
struct  compose_fn
struct  composed
struct  compressed_pair
struct  concat_view
struct  const_view
struct  constant
struct  convert_to
struct  copy_backward_fn
struct  copy_fn
struct  copy_if_fn
struct  copy_n_fn
struct  copy_tag
struct  count_fn
struct  count_if_fn
struct  counted_view
struct  cycled_view
struct  dangling
 A wrapper for an iterator or a sentinel into a range that may no longer be valid. More...
struct  dangling< void >
struct  default_end_cursor
struct  delimit_view
struct  difference_type
struct  difference_type< std::nullptr_t >
struct  difference_type< T * >
struct  difference_type< T const >
struct  difference_type< T const volatile >
struct  difference_type< T volatile >
struct  difference_type< T, meta::if_< std::is_array< T > > >
struct  difference_type< T, meta::if_< std::is_integral< T > > >
struct  difference_type< T, meta::void_< typename T::difference_type > >
struct  disable_sized_range
struct  disable_sized_sentinel
struct  distance_compare_fn
struct  distance_fn
struct  drop_exactly_view
struct  drop_view
struct  drop_while_view
struct  empty_fn
struct  empty_view
struct  end_tag
struct  enumerate_fn
struct  equal_fn
struct  equal_range_fn
struct  equal_to
struct  fill_fn
struct  fill_n_fn
struct  filter_view
struct  find_end_fn
struct  find_first_of_fn
struct  find_fn
struct  find_if_fn
struct  find_if_not_fn
struct  for_each_fn
struct  for_each_view
struct  forward_iterator_tag
struct  front_fn
struct  front_inserter_fn
struct  generate_fn
struct  generate_n_fn
struct  generate_n_view
struct  generate_view
struct  get_cursor_fn
 Get a cursor from a basic_iterator. More...
struct  get_unsafe_fn
struct  getlines_fn
struct  getlines_range
struct  group_by_view
struct  ident
struct  includes_fn
struct  indirect_fn
struct  indirect_view
struct  indirected
struct  inner_product_fn
struct  inplace_merge_fn
struct  input_iterator_tag
struct  insert_fn
struct  interleave_view
 Flattens a range of ranges by iterating the inner ranges in round-robin fashion. More...
struct  intersperse_view
struct  iota_fn
struct  iota_view
struct  iota_view< From, void >
struct  is_heap_fn
struct  is_heap_until_fn
struct  is_indirectly_movable
struct  is_indirectly_swappable
struct  is_nothrow_indirectly_movable
struct  is_nothrow_indirectly_swappable
struct  is_nothrow_swappable
struct  is_partitioned_fn
struct  is_permutation_fn
struct  is_pipeable
struct  is_pipeable< T & >
struct  is_reference_wrapper
struct  is_reference_wrapper< reference_wrapper< T, RValue > >
struct  is_reference_wrapper< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  is_sorted_fn
struct  is_sorted_until_fn
struct  is_swappable
struct  is_view
struct  is_view< std::initializer_list< T > >
struct  is_view< std::multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > >
struct  is_view< std::set< Key, Compare, Alloc > >
struct  is_view< std::unordered_multiset< Key, Hash, Pred, Alloc > >
struct  is_view< std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, Pred, Alloc > >
struct  istream_range
struct  iter_distance_compare_fn
struct  iter_distance_fn
struct  iter_enumerate_fn
struct  iter_move_fn
struct  iter_size_fn
struct  iter_swap_fn
struct  iter_take_while_view
struct  iter_transform2_view
struct  iter_transform_view
struct  iter_zip_with_view
struct  iterator_category
struct  iterator_category< T * >
struct  iterator_category< T const >
struct  iterator_category< T const volatile >
struct  iterator_category< T volatile >
struct  iterator_category< T, meta::void_< typename T::iterator_category > >
struct  iterator_range
struct  join_view
struct  join_view< Rng, void >
struct  lazy_yield_if_fn
struct  less
struct  lexicographical_compare_fn
struct  logical_negate
struct  lower_bound_fn
struct  make_common_pair_fn
struct  make_common_tuple_fn
struct  make_heap_fn
struct  make_iterator_range_fn
struct  make_move_iterator_fn
struct  make_move_sentinel_fn
struct  make_pipeable_fn
struct  make_tuple_fn
struct  max_element_fn
struct  max_fn
struct  merge_fn
struct  min_element_fn
struct  min_fn
struct  minmax_element_fn
struct  minmax_fn
struct  minus
struct  mismatch_fn
struct  move_backward_fn
struct  move_fn
struct  move_into_fn
struct  move_sentinel
struct  move_tag
struct  move_view
struct  multiplies
struct  mutable_
struct  mutable_< std::atomic< T > >
struct  next_fn
struct  next_permutation_fn
struct  none_of_fn
struct  not_equal_to
struct  not_fn
struct  nth_element_fn
struct  on_fn
struct  ordered_less
struct  overload_fn
struct  overloaded
struct  overloaded< First, Rest... >
struct  overloaded<>
struct  partial_sort_copy_fn
struct  partial_sort_fn
struct  partial_sum_fn
struct  partial_sum_view
struct  partition_copy_fn
struct  partition_fn
struct  partition_point_fn
struct  pipeable
struct  pipeable_access
struct  pipeable_base
struct  plus
struct  pop_heap_fn
struct  prev_fn
struct  prev_permutation_fn
struct  protect_fn
struct  push_heap_fn
struct  random_access_iterator_tag
struct  range_cardinality
struct  raw_storage_iterator
struct  ref_fn
struct  reference_of
struct  reference_of< reference_wrapper< T, RValue > >
struct  reference_of< std::reference_wrapper< T > >
struct  reference_of< T & >
struct  reference_of< T && >
struct  reference_of< T const >
struct  reference_wrapper
struct  remove_copy_fn
struct  remove_copy_if_fn
struct  remove_fn
struct  remove_if_fn
struct  remove_if_view
struct  repeat_n_view
struct  repeat_view
struct  replace_copy_fn
struct  replace_copy_if_fn
struct  replace_fn
struct  replace_if_fn
struct  reverse_copy_fn
struct  reverse_fn
struct  reverse_view
struct  rotate_copy_fn
struct  rotate_fn
struct  rref_fn
struct  safe_begin_fn
struct  safe_end_fn
class  sample_fn
class  sample_view
struct  sanitize_fn
struct  search_fn
struct  search_n_fn
struct  semiregular
struct  set_difference_fn
struct  set_intersection_fn
struct  set_symmetric_difference_fn
struct  set_union_fn
struct  shuffle_fn
struct  single_view
struct  size_type
struct  sized_iterator_range
struct  slice_view
struct  sort_fn
struct  sort_heap_fn
struct  split_view
struct  stable_partition_fn
struct  stable_sort_fn
struct  static_const
struct  stride_view
struct  swap_ranges_fn
struct  tail_view
struct  take_view
struct  take_while_view
struct  tokenize_view
struct  transform2_view
struct  transform_fn
struct  transform_view
struct  transformed
struct  tuple_apply_fn
struct  tuple_foldl_fn
struct  tuple_for_each_fn
struct  tuple_transform_fn
struct  unbounded_view
struct  unique_copy_fn
struct  unique_fn
struct  unreachable
struct  unwrap_reference_fn
struct  upper_bound_fn
struct  value_type
struct  value_type< T * >
struct  value_type< T const >
struct  value_type< T const volatile >
struct  value_type< T volatile >
struct  value_type< T, meta::if_< std::is_array< T > > >
struct  value_type< T, meta::if_< std::is_base_of< std::ios_base, T > > >
struct  value_type< T, meta::void_< typename T::element_type > >
struct  value_type< T, meta::void_< typename T::value_type > >
struct  variant
struct  view_adaptor
struct  view_base
struct  view_facade
struct  view_interface
struct  with_braced_init_args
struct  yield_fn
struct  yield_from_fn
struct  yield_if_fn
struct  zip_view
struct  zip_with_view


template<typename I , typename T , typename Op = plus, typename P = ident, typename V = iterator_value_t<I>, typename X = concepts::Callable::result_t<P, V>, typename Y = concepts::Callable::result_t<Op, T, X>>
using Accumulateable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, Callable< P, V >, Callable< Op, T, X >, Assignable< T &, Y >>
template<typename D >
using adaptor_cursor_t = adaptor_cursor< detail::adapted_iterator_t< D >, detail::begin_adaptor_t< D >>
template<typename D >
using adaptor_sentinel_t = meta::if_< meta::and_< Same< detail::adapted_iterator_t< D >, detail::adapted_sentinel_t< D >>, Same< detail::begin_adaptor_t< D >, detail::end_adaptor_t< D >>>, adaptor_cursor< detail::adapted_iterator_t< D >, detail::begin_adaptor_t< D >>, adaptor_sentinel< detail::adapted_sentinel_t< D >, detail::end_adaptor_t< D >>>
template<typename I , typename O , typename BOp = minus, typename P = ident, typename V = iterator_value_t<I>, typename X = concepts::Callable::result_t<P, V>, typename Y = concepts::Callable::result_t<BOp, X, X>>
using AdjacentDifferentiable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, OutputIterator< O, X && >, OutputIterator< O, Y && >, Callable< P, V >, Callable< BOp, X, X >, CopyConstructible< uncvref_t< X >>, Movable< uncvref_t< X >>>
template<typename Ref >
using any_bidirectional_view = any_view< Ref, category::bidirectional >
template<typename Ref >
using any_forward_view = any_view< Ref, category::forward >
template<typename Ref >
using any_input_view = any_view< Ref, category::input >
template<typename Ref >
using any_random_access_view = any_view< Ref, category::random_access >
template<typename T , typename U >
using Assignable = concepts::models< concepts::Assignable, T, U >
template<typename I1 , typename I2 , typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = ident, typename P2 = ident>
using AsymmetricallyComparable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I1 >, InputIterator< I2 >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I1, P1 >, projected< I2, P2 >>>
template<typename Cont >
using back_insert_iterator = basic_iterator< detail::back_insert_cursor< Cont >>
template<typename Derived >
using base_range_t = meta::_t< range_access::base_range< Derived >>
template<typename T >
using BidirectionalIncrementable = concepts::models< concepts::BidirectionalIncrementable, T >
template<typename I >
using BidirectionalIterator = concepts::models< concepts::BidirectionalIterator, I >
template<typename T >
using BidirectionalRange = concepts::models< concepts::BidirectionalRange, T >
template<typename T >
using BidirectionalView = concepts::models< concepts::BidirectionalView, T >
template<typename I , typename V2 , typename C = ordered_less, typename P = ident>
using BinarySearchable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I, P >, V2 const * >>
template<typename T >
using bind_element_t = meta::_t< bind_element< T >>
template<typename T >
using bounded_range_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::BoundedRange, concepts::Range >, T >
template<typename T >
using bounded_range_concept_t = meta::_t< bounded_range_concept< T >>
template<typename T >
using bounded_view_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::BoundedView, concepts::View >, T >
template<typename T >
using bounded_view_concept_t = meta::_t< bounded_view_concept< T >>
template<typename T >
using BoundedRange = concepts::models< concepts::BoundedRange, T >
template<typename T >
using BoundedView = concepts::models< concepts::BoundedView, T >
template<typename Fun , typename... Args>
using Callable = concepts::models< concepts::Callable, Fun, Args... >
template<typename Fun , typename... Args>
using CallablePredicate = concepts::models< concepts::CallablePredicate, Fun, Args... >
template<typename Fun , typename T , typename U = T>
using CallableRelation = concepts::models< concepts::CallableRelation, Fun, T, U >
template<typename T , typename U , typename... Rest>
using Common = meta::or_< meta::strict_and< std::is_void< T >, std::is_void< U >, std::is_void< Rest >... >, concepts::models< concepts::Common, T, U, Rest... >>
template<typename I , typename S >
using common_iterator = meta::if_< std::is_same< I, S >, I, basic_iterator< detail::common_cursor< I, S >>>
template<typename... Ts>
using common_reference_t = meta::_t< common_reference< Ts... >>
template<typename... Ts>
using common_type_t = meta::_t< common_type< Ts... >>
template<typename T , typename U , typename... Rest>
using CommonReference = meta::or_< meta::strict_and< std::is_void< T >, std::is_void< U >, std::is_void< Rest >... >, concepts::models< concepts::CommonReference, T, U, Rest... >>
template<typename I1 , typename I2 , typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = ident, typename P2 = ident>
using Comparable = meta::strict_and< AsymmetricallyComparable< I1, I2, C, P1, P2 >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I1, P1 >, projected< I2, P2 >>>
template<typename T , typename... Args>
using Constructible = concepts::models< concepts::Constructible, T, Args... >
template<typename T >
using Container = concepts::models< concepts::Container, T >
template<typename T >
using ContainerLike_ = concepts::models< concepts::ContainerLike_, T >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ConvertibleTo = concepts::models< concepts::ConvertibleTo, T, U >
template<typename T >
using Copyable = concepts::models< concepts::Copyable, T >
template<typename T >
using CopyConstructible = concepts::models< concepts::CopyConstructible, T >
template<typename I , typename D = meta::_t<difference_type<I>>>
using counted_iterator = basic_iterator< detail::counted_cursor< I, D >, default_end_cursor >
using default_sentinel = basic_sentinel< default_end_cursor >
template<typename T >
using DefaultConstructible = concepts::models< concepts::DefaultConstructible, T >
template<typename T , typename U >
using DerivedFrom = concepts::models< concepts::DerivedFrom, T, U >
template<typename T >
using Destructible = concepts::models< concepts::Destructible, T >
template<typename T , typename U = T>
using EqualityComparable = concepts::models< concepts::EqualityComparable, T, U >
template<typename Rng , typename... Rest>
using ErasableRange = concepts::models< concepts::ErasableRange, Rng, Rest... >
template<typename I , typename T >
using ExclusivelyWritable_ = meta::invoke< detail::exclusively_writable_< I >, T >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ExplicitlyConvertibleTo = concepts::models< concepts::ExplicitlyConvertibleTo, T, U >
template<typename I >
using ForwardIterator = concepts::models< concepts::ForwardIterator, I >
template<typename T >
using ForwardRange = concepts::models< concepts::ForwardRange, T >
template<typename T >
using ForwardView = concepts::models< concepts::ForwardView, T >
template<typename Cont >
using front_insert_iterator = basic_iterator< detail::front_insert_cursor< Cont >>
template<typename Fun , typename... Args>
using Function = concepts::models< concepts::Function, Fun, Args... >
template<typename T >
using function_type = decltype(as_function(std::declval< T >()))
template<typename T , typename U >
using ImplicitlyConvertibleTo = concepts::models< concepts::ImplicitlyConvertibleTo, T, U >
template<typename T >
using Incrementable = concepts::models< concepts::Incrementable, T >
template<typename T >
using incrementable_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::RandomAccessIncrementable, concepts::BidirectionalIncrementable, concepts::Incrementable, concepts::WeaklyIncrementable >, T >
template<typename T >
using incrementable_concept_t = meta::_t< incrementable_concept< T >>
template<typename C , typename... Is>
using IndirectCallable = IndirectFunction< function_type< C >, Is... >
template<typename C , typename... Is>
using IndirectCallablePredicate = IndirectPredicate< function_type< C >, Is... >
template<typename C , typename I0 , typename I1 = I0>
using IndirectCallableRelation = IndirectRelation< function_type< C >, I0, I1 >
template<typename C , typename... Is>
using IndirectFunction = meta::and_< meta::strict_and< Readable< Is >... >, meta::lazy::invoke< detail::iter_map_reduce_fn_< meta::bind_front< meta::quote< Function >, C >, meta::quote< meta::strict_and >>, Is... >, meta::lazy::invoke< detail::iter_map_reduce_fn_< meta::bind_front< meta::quote< concepts::Function::result_t >, C >, meta::quote< CommonReference >>, Is... > >
template<typename I , typename O >
using IndirectlyCopyable = concepts::models< concepts::IndirectlyCopyable, I, O >
template<typename I , typename O >
using IndirectlyCopyableStorable = concepts::models< concepts::IndirectlyCopyableStorable, I, O >
template<typename I , typename O >
using IndirectlyMovable = concepts::models< concepts::IndirectlyMovable, I, O >
template<typename I , typename O >
using IndirectlyMovableStorable = concepts::models< concepts::IndirectlyMovableStorable, I, O >
template<typename I1 , typename I2 >
using IndirectlySwappable = concepts::models< concepts::IndirectlySwappable, I1, I2 >
template<typename C , typename... Is>
using IndirectPredicate = meta::and_< meta::strict_and< Readable< Is >... >, meta::lazy::invoke< detail::iter_map_reduce_fn_< meta::bind_front< meta::quote< Predicate >, C >, meta::quote< meta::strict_and >>, Is... >>
template<typename C , typename I0 , typename I1 = I0>
using IndirectRelation = meta::and_< meta::strict_and< Readable< I0 >, Readable< I1 >>, meta::lazy::invoke< detail::iter_map_reduce_fn_< meta::bind_front< meta::quote< Relation >, C >, meta::quote< meta::strict_and >>, I0, I1 >>
template<typename I1 , typename I2 , typename T , typename BOp1 = plus, typename BOp2 = multiplies, typename P1 = ident, typename P2 = ident, typename V1 = iterator_value_t<I1>, typename V2 = iterator_value_t<I2>, typename X1 = concepts::Callable::result_t<P1, V1>, typename X2 = concepts::Callable::result_t<P2, V2>, typename Y2 = concepts::Callable::result_t<BOp2, X1, X2>, typename Y1 = concepts::Callable::result_t<BOp1, T, Y2>>
using InnerProductable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I1 >, InputIterator< I2 >, Callable< P1, V1 >, Callable< P2, V2 >, Callable< BOp2, X1, X2 >, Callable< BOp1, T, Y2 >, Assignable< T &, Y2 >>
template<typename I >
using InputIterator = concepts::models< concepts::InputIterator, I >
template<typename T >
using InputRange = concepts::models< concepts::InputRange, T >
template<typename T >
using InputView = concepts::models< concepts::InputView, T >
template<typename T >
using Integral = concepts::models< concepts::Integral, T >
template<typename Rng >
using is_finite = meta::bool_< range_cardinality< Rng >::value >=finite >
template<typename Rng >
using is_infinite = meta::bool_< range_cardinality< Rng >::value==infinite >
template<typename T >
using is_reference_wrapper_t = meta::_t< is_reference_wrapper< T >>
template<typename I , typename C = ordered_less, typename P = ident>
using IsHeapable = meta::strict_and< RandomAccessIterator< I >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I, P >>>
template<typename I , typename C , typename P = ident>
using IsPartitionedable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I, P >>>
template<typename I1 , typename I2 , typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = ident, typename P2 = ident>
using IsPermutationable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I1 >, ForwardIterator< I2 >, Comparable< I1, I2, C, P1, P2 >>
template<typename I >
using Iterator = concepts::models< concepts::Iterator, I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_category_t = concepts::InputIterator::category_t< I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_common_reference = meta::defer< iterator_common_reference_t, I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_common_reference_t = concepts::Readable::common_reference_t< I >
template<typename T >
using iterator_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::RandomAccessIterator, concepts::BidirectionalIterator, concepts::ForwardIterator, concepts::InputIterator >, T >
template<typename T >
using iterator_concept_t = meta::_t< iterator_concept< T >>
template<typename I >
using iterator_difference = meta::defer< iterator_difference_t, I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_difference_t = concepts::WeaklyIncrementable::difference_t< I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_reference = meta::defer< iterator_reference_t, I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_reference_t = concepts::Readable::reference_t< I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_rvalue_reference = meta::defer< iterator_rvalue_reference_t, I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_rvalue_reference_t = concepts::Readable::rvalue_reference_t< I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_size = meta::defer< iterator_size_t, I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_size_t = meta::_t< std::make_unsigned< iterator_difference_t< I >>>
template<typename I >
using iterator_value = meta::defer< iterator_value_t, I >
template<typename I >
using iterator_value_t = concepts::Readable::value_t< I >
template<typename I , typename S >
using IteratorRange = Sentinel< S, I >
template<typename Rng >
using keys_range_view = transform_view< Rng, detail::get_first >
template<typename T >
using LvalueContainerLike = concepts::models< concepts::LvalueContainerLike, T >
template<typename I0 , typename I1 , typename Out , typename C = ordered_less, typename P0 = ident, typename P1 = ident>
using Mergeable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I0 >, InputIterator< I1 >, WeaklyIncrementable< Out >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I0, P0 >, projected< I1, P1 >>, IndirectlyCopyable< I0, Out >, IndirectlyCopyable< I1, Out >>
template<typename I1 , typename I2 , typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = ident, typename P2 = ident>
using Mismatchable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I1 >, InputIterator< I2 >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I1, P1 >, projected< I2, P2 >>>
template<typename T >
using Movable = concepts::models< concepts::Movable, T >
template<typename I >
using move_into_iterator = basic_iterator< detail::move_into_cursor< I >, default_end_cursor >
template<typename I >
using move_iterator = basic_iterator< detail::move_cursor< I >, default_end_cursor >
template<typename T >
using MoveConstructible = concepts::models< concepts::MoveConstructible, T >
template<typename I0 , typename I1 , typename Out , typename C = ordered_less, typename P0 = ident, typename P1 = ident>
using MoveMergeable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I0 >, InputIterator< I1 >, WeaklyIncrementable< Out >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I0, P0 >, projected< I1, P1 >>, IndirectlyMovable< I0, Out >, IndirectlyMovable< I1, Out >>
template<typename Out , typename T >
using OutputIterator = concepts::models< concepts::OutputIterator, Out, T >
template<typename T , typename V >
using OutputRange = concepts::models< concepts::OutputRange, T, V >
template<typename T , typename V >
using OutputView = concepts::models< concepts::OutputView, T, V >
template<typename I , typename O , typename C = ordered_less, typename PI = ident, typename PO = ident>
using PartialSortCopyConcept = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, RandomAccessIterator< O >, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I, PI >, projected< O, PO >>, Sortable< O, C, PO >>
template<typename I , typename O , typename BOp = plus, typename P = ident, typename V = iterator_value_t<I>, typename X = concepts::Callable::result_t<P, V>, typename Y = concepts::Callable::result_t<BOp, X, X>>
using PartialSummable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, OutputIterator< O, X && >, Callable< P, V >, CopyConstructible< uncvref_t< X >>, Callable< BOp, X, X >, Assignable< uncvref_t< X > &, Y >>
template<typename I , typename C , typename P = ident>
using Partitionable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I >, Permutable< I >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I, P >>>
template<typename I , typename O0 , typename O1 , typename C , typename P = ident>
using PartitionCopyable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, WeaklyIncrementable< O0 >, WeaklyIncrementable< O1 >, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O0 >, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O1 >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I, P >>>
template<typename I , typename V = concepts::Readable::value_t<I>>
using Permutable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I >, IndirectlySwappable< I, I >, IndirectlyMovableStorable< I, I >>
template<typename Fun , typename... Args>
using Predicate = concepts::models< concepts::Predicate, Fun, Args... >
template<typename I , typename Proj >
using projected = meta::if_< IndirectCallable< Proj, I >, detail::projected_readable< I, Proj >>
template<typename T >
using RandomAccessIncrementable = concepts::models< concepts::RandomAccessIncrementable, T >
template<typename I >
using RandomAccessIterator = concepts::models< concepts::RandomAccessIterator, I >
template<typename T >
using RandomAccessRange = concepts::models< concepts::RandomAccessRange, T >
template<typename C >
using RandomAccessReservable = meta::strict_and< Reservable< C >, RandomAccessRange< C >>
template<typename T >
using RandomAccessView = concepts::models< concepts::RandomAccessView, T >
template<typename T >
using Range = concepts::models< concepts::Range, T >
template<typename Rng >
using range_category = meta::defer< range_category_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_category_t = concepts::InputRange::category_t< Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_common_iterator_t = common_iterator< range_iterator_t< Rng >, range_sentinel_t< Rng >>
template<typename Rng >
using range_common_reference = meta::defer< range_common_reference_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_common_reference_t = concepts::InputRange::common_reference_t< Rng >
template<typename T >
using range_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::RandomAccessRange, concepts::BidirectionalRange, concepts::ForwardRange, concepts::InputRange >, T >
template<typename T >
using range_concept_t = meta::_t< range_concept< T >>
template<typename Rng >
using range_difference = meta::defer< range_difference_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_difference_t = concepts::Range::difference_t< Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_iterator = meta::defer< range_iterator_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_iterator_t = concepts::Range::iterator_t< Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_reference = meta::defer< range_reference_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_reference_t = concepts::InputRange::reference_t< Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_rvalue_reference = meta::defer< range_rvalue_reference_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_rvalue_reference_t = concepts::InputRange::rvalue_reference_t< Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_safe_iterator_t = decltype(ranges::safe_begin(std::declval< Rng >()))
template<typename Rng >
using range_safe_sentinel_t = decltype(ranges::safe_end(std::declval< Rng >()))
template<typename Rng >
using range_sentinel = meta::defer< range_sentinel_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_sentinel_t = concepts::Range::sentinel_t< Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_size = meta::defer< range_size_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_size_t = meta::_t< std::make_unsigned< range_difference_t< Rng >>>
template<typename Rng >
using range_value = meta::defer< range_value_t, Rng >
template<typename Rng >
using range_value_t = concepts::InputRange::value_t< Rng >
template<typename T >
using Readable = concepts::models< concepts::Readable, T >
template<typename T >
using ref_t = decltype(ref(std::declval< T >()))
template<typename T >
using reference_of_t = meta::_t< reference_of< T >>
template<typename T >
using Regular = concepts::models< concepts::Regular, T >
template<typename Fun , typename... Args>
using RegularCallable = concepts::models< concepts::RegularCallable, Fun, Args... >
template<typename Fun , typename... Args>
using RegularFunction = concepts::models< concepts::RegularFunction, Fun, Args... >
template<typename Fun , typename T , typename U = T>
using Relation = concepts::models< concepts::Relation, Fun, T, U >
template<typename I , typename T , typename P = ident>
using Removable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I >, IndirectCallableRelation< equal_to, projected< I, P >, T const * >, Permutable< I >>
template<typename I , typename C , typename P = ident>
using RemovableIf = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I, P >>, Permutable< I >>
template<typename I , typename O , typename T , typename P = ident>
using RemoveCopyable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, WeaklyIncrementable< O >, IndirectCallableRelation< equal_to, projected< I, P >, T const * >, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O >>
template<typename I , typename O , typename C , typename P = ident>
using RemoveCopyableIf = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, WeaklyIncrementable< O >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I, P >>, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O >>
template<typename Rng , typename Pred , typename Val >
using replace_if_view = iter_transform_view< Rng, detail::replacer_if_fn< Pred, Val >>
template<typename Rng , typename Val1 , typename Val2 >
using replace_view = iter_transform_view< Rng, detail::replacer_fn< Val1, Val2 >>
template<typename I , typename T0 , typename T1 , typename P = ident>
using Replaceable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, IndirectCallableRelation< equal_to, projected< I, P >, T0 const * >, Writable< I, T1 const & >>
template<typename I , typename O , typename T0 , typename T1 , typename P = ident>
using ReplaceCopyable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, OutputIterator< O, T1 const & >, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O >, IndirectCallableRelation< equal_to, projected< I, P >, T0 const * >>
template<typename I , typename O , typename C , typename T , typename P = ident>
using ReplaceCopyIfable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, OutputIterator< O, T const & >, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I, P >>>
template<typename I , typename C , typename T , typename P = ident>
using ReplaceIfable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I, P >>, Writable< I, T const & >>
template<typename C >
using Reservable = concepts::models< concepts::Reservable, C >
template<typename C , typename I >
using ReserveAndAssignable = concepts::models< concepts::ReserveAndAssignable, C, I >
template<typename Sig >
using result_of_t = meta::_t< std::result_of< Sig >>
template<typename I >
using reverse_iterator = basic_iterator< detail::reverse_cursor< I >, detail::reverse_cursor< I >>
template<typename I , typename O >
using ReverseCopyable = meta::strict_and< BidirectionalIterator< I >, WeaklyIncrementable< O >, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O >>
template<typename T >
using rref_t = decltype(rref(std::declval< T >()))
template<typename T >
using rvalue_reference_wrapper = reference_wrapper< T, true >
template<typename... Ts>
using Same = concepts::Same::same_t< Ts... >
template<typename I1 , typename I2 , typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = ident, typename P2 = ident>
using Searchable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I1 >, ForwardIterator< I2 >, Comparable< I1, I2, C, P1, P2 >>
template<typename I , typename V , typename C = equal_to, typename P = ident>
using Searchnable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I, P >, V const * >>
 ingroup group-concepts
template<typename T >
using SemiContainer = concepts::models< concepts::SemiContainer, T >
template<typename T >
using SemiRegular = concepts::models< concepts::SemiRegular, T >
template<typename T , bool IsConst = false>
using semiregular_ref_or_val_t = meta::if_< SemiRegular< T >, meta::if_c< IsConst, T, reference_wrapper< T > >, reference_wrapper< meta::if_c< IsConst, semiregular< T > const, semiregular< T >>>>
template<typename T >
using semiregular_t = meta::if_< SemiRegular< T >, T, semiregular< T >>
template<typename S , typename I >
using Sentinel = concepts::models< concepts::Sentinel, S, I >
template<typename Rng1 , typename Rng2 , typename C , typename P1 , typename P2 >
using set_difference_view = detail::set_algorithm_view< Rng1, Rng2, C, P1, P2, detail::set_difference_cursor, detail::set_difference_cardinality(range_cardinality< Rng1 >::value, range_cardinality< Rng2 >::value)>
template<typename Rng1 , typename Rng2 , typename C , typename P1 , typename P2 >
using set_intersection_view = detail::set_algorithm_view< Rng1, Rng2, C, P1, P2, detail::set_intersection_cursor, detail::set_intersection_cardinality(range_cardinality< Rng1 >::value, range_cardinality< Rng2 >::value)>
template<typename Rng1 , typename Rng2 , typename C , typename P1 , typename P2 >
using set_symmetric_difference_view = detail::set_algorithm_view< Rng1, Rng2, C, P1, P2, detail::set_symmetric_difference_cursor, detail::set_symmetric_difference_cardinality(range_cardinality< Rng1 >::value, range_cardinality< Rng2 >::value)>
template<typename Rng1 , typename Rng2 , typename C , typename P1 , typename P2 >
using set_union_view = detail::set_algorithm_view< Rng1, Rng2, C, P1, P2, detail::set_union_cursor, detail::set_union_cardinality(range_cardinality< Rng1 >::value, range_cardinality< Rng2 >::value)>
template<typename T >
using SignedIntegral = concepts::models< concepts::SignedIntegral, T >
template<typename I >
using SinglePass = meta::strict_and< Iterator< I >, meta::not_< ForwardIterator< I >>>
template<typename T >
using sized_range_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::SizedRange, concepts::Range >, T >
template<typename T >
using sized_range_concept_t = meta::_t< sized_range_concept< T >>
template<typename S , typename I >
using sized_sentinel_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::SizedSentinel, concepts::Sentinel >, S, I >
template<typename S , typename I >
using sized_sentinel_concept_t = meta::_t< sized_sentinel_concept< S, I >>
template<typename T >
using sized_view_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::SizedView, concepts::View >, T >
template<typename T >
using sized_view_concept_t = meta::_t< sized_view_concept< T >>
template<typename I , typename S >
using SizedIteratorRange = SizedSentinel< S, I >
template<typename T >
using SizedRange = concepts::models< concepts::SizedRange, T >
template<typename S , typename I >
using SizedSentinel = concepts::models< concepts::SizedSentinel, S, I >
template<typename T >
using SizedView = concepts::models< concepts::SizedView, T >
template<typename I , typename C = ordered_less, typename P = ident>
using Sortable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I, P >, projected< I, P >>, Permutable< I >>
template<typename I , typename C , typename P = ident>
using StablePartitionable = meta::strict_and< ForwardIterator< I >, Permutable< I >, IndirectCallablePredicate< C, projected< I, P >>>
template<typename T , typename U = T>
using Swappable = concepts::models< concepts::Swappable, T, U >
template<typename F , typename S >
using tagged_pair = tagged< std::pair< detail::tag_elem< F >, detail::tag_elem< S >>, detail::tag_spec< F >, detail::tag_spec< S >>
template<typename... Ts>
using tagged_tuple = tagged< std::tuple< detail::tag_elem< Ts >... >, detail::tag_spec< Ts >... >
template<typename Rng >
using take_exactly_view = detail::take_exactly_view_< Rng >
template<typename T , typename U = T>
using TotallyOrdered = concepts::models< concepts::TotallyOrdered, T, U >
template<typename I , typename O , typename F , typename P = ident, typename V = iterator_common_reference_t<I>, typename X = concepts::Callable::result_t<P, V>, typename Y = concepts::Callable::result_t<F, X>>
using Transformable1 = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, WeaklyIncrementable< O >, IndirectCallable< F, projected< I, P >>, Writable< O, Y && >>
template<typename I0 , typename I1 , typename O , typename F , typename P0 = ident, typename P1 = ident, typename V0 = iterator_common_reference_t<I0>, typename X0 = concepts::Callable::result_t<P0, V0>, typename V1 = iterator_common_reference_t<I1>, typename X1 = concepts::Callable::result_t<P1, V1>, typename Y = concepts::Callable::result_t<F, X0, X1>>
using Transformable2 = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I0 >, InputIterator< I1 >, WeaklyIncrementable< O >, IndirectCallable< F, projected< I0, P0 >, projected< I1, P1 >>, Writable< O, Y && >>
template<typename Tup >
using tuple_indices_t = meta::make_index_sequence< std::tuple_size< typename std::remove_reference< Tup >::type >::value >
template<typename T >
using uncvref_t = meta::_t< std::remove_cv< meta::_t< std::remove_reference< T >>>>
template<typename Gen >
using UniformRandomNumberGenerator = concepts::models< concepts::UniformRandomNumberGenerator, Gen >
template<typename Rng >
using unique_view = adjacent_filter_view< Rng, not_equal_to >
template<typename I , typename O , typename C = equal_to, typename P = ident>
using UniqueCopyable = meta::strict_and< InputIterator< I >, IndirectCallableRelation< C, projected< I, P >>, WeaklyIncrementable< O >, IndirectlyCopyable< I, O >, meta::strict_or< ForwardIterator< I >, ForwardIterator< O >, IndirectlyCopyableStorable< I, O >>>
template<typename T >
using UnsignedIntegral = concepts::models< concepts::UnsignedIntegral, T >
template<typename T >
using unwrap_reference_t = decltype(unwrap_reference(std::declval< T >()))
template<typename Rng >
using values_view = transform_view< Rng, detail::get_second >
template<typename T >
using View = concepts::models< concepts::View, T >
template<typename T >
using view_concept = concepts::most_refined< meta::list< concepts::View, concepts::Range >, T >
template<typename T >
using view_concept_t = meta::_t< view_concept< T >>
template<typename RangeFacade >
using view_facade_t = meta::_t< range_access::view_facade< RangeFacade >>
template<typename T , typename U >
using WeaklyEqualityComparable = concepts::models< concepts::WeaklyEqualityComparable, T, U >
template<typename T >
using WeaklyIncrementable = concepts::models< concepts::WeaklyIncrementable, T >
template<typename T , typename U = T>
using WeaklyOrdered = concepts::models< concepts::WeaklyOrdered, T, U >
template<typename Out , typename T >
using Writable = concepts::models< concepts::Writable, Out, T >


enum  cardinality { infinite = -3, unknown = -2, finite = -1, _max_ = INT_MAX }
enum  category { input, forward, bidirectional, random_access }


template<typename T >
constexpr T * _nullptr_v ()
template<typename T >
meta::if_c< std::is_reference< T >)||Copyable< T >), T > any_cast (any &)
template<typename T >
meta::if_c< std::is_reference< T >)||Copyable< T >), T > any_cast (any const &)
template<typename T >
meta::if_c< std::is_reference< T >)||Copyable< T >), T > any_cast (any &&)
template<typename T >
T * any_cast (any *) noexcept
template<typename T >
T const * any_cast (any const *) noexcept
template<typename T , typename U = meta::if_< std::is_lvalue_reference<T>, std::reference_wrapper<meta::_t<std::remove_reference<T>>>, T &&>>
bind_forward (meta::_t< std::remove_reference< T >> &t) noexcept
template<typename T >
T && bind_forward (meta::_t< std::remove_reference< T >> &&t) noexcept
template<typename T >
T & get (meta::id_t< T > &value)
template<typename T >
T const & get (meta::id_t< T > const &value)
template<typename T >
T && get (meta::id_t< T > &&value)
template<typename T >
T & get (meta::id_t< semiregular< T >> &t)
template<typename T >
T const & get (meta::id_t< semiregular< T >> const &t)
template<typename T >
T && get (meta::id_t< semiregular< T >> &&t)
template<std::size_t N, typename I , typename S , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42>
constexpr auto get (sized_iterator_range< I, S > const &p) -> decltype(ranges::get< N >(static_cast< iterator_range< I, S > const & >(p)))
 Tuple-like access for sized_iterator_range
template<std::size_t N, typename I , typename S , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(N==2), int >::type = 0>
constexpr iterator_size_t< I > get (sized_iterator_range< I, S > const &p)
template<typename Tag , typename Element , detail::box_compress BC>
Elementget (box< Element, Tag, BC > &b) noexcept
template<typename Tag , typename Element , detail::box_compress BC>
constexpr Element const & get (box< Element, Tag, BC > const &b) noexcept
template<typename Tag , typename Element , detail::box_compress BC>
Element && get (box< Element, Tag, BC > &&b) noexcept
template<std::size_t I, typename Element , detail::box_compress BC>
Elementget (box< Element, meta::size_t< I >, BC > &b) noexcept
template<std::size_t I, typename Element , detail::box_compress BC>
constexpr Element const & get (box< Element, meta::size_t< I >, BC > const &b) noexcept
template<std::size_t I, typename Element , detail::box_compress BC>
Element && get (box< Element, meta::size_t< I >, BC > &&b) noexcept
template<typename Cont , typename P , typename I , typename S , typename C = common_iterator<I, S>, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(LvalueContainerLike< Cont >()&&Iterator< P >()&&Sentinel< S, I >()), int >::type = 0>
auto insert (Cont &&cont, P p, I i, S j) -> decltype(detail::insert_impl(std::forward< Cont >(cont), std::move(p), std::move(i), std::move(j), meta::strict_and< RandomAccessReservable< Cont >, SizedSentinel< S, I >>
template<typename Cont , typename I , typename Rng , typename C = range_common_iterator_t<Rng>, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(LvalueContainerLike< Cont >()&&Iterator< I >()&&Range< Rng >()), int >::type = 0>
auto insert (Cont &&cont, I p, Rng &&rng) -> decltype(detail::insert_impl(std::forward< Cont >(cont), std::move(p), std::forward< Rng >(rng), meta::strict_and< RandomAccessReservable< Cont >, SizedRange< Rng >>
template<typename Val >
istream_range< Val > istream (std::istream &sin)
template<typename T >
istream_range< T > istream (std::istream &sin)
template<typename I , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(Iterator< I >()), int >::type = 0>
counted_iterator< I > make_counted_iterator (I i, iterator_difference_t< I > n)
template<typename V , typename I , typename D >
counted_iterator< raw_storage_iterator< I, V >, detail::external_count< D > > make_counted_raw_storage_iterator (I i, D &d)
template<typename I >
reverse_iterator< I > make_reverse_iterator (I i)
template<typename Tag1 , typename Tag2 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename R = tagged_pair<Tag1(bind_element_t<T1>), Tag2(bind_element_t<T2>)>>
constexpr R make_tagged_pair (T1 &&t1, T2 &&t2) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< R, T1, T2 >::value)
template<typename... Tags, typename... Ts>
constexpr tagged_tuple< Tags(bind_element_t< Ts >)... > make_tagged_tuple (Ts &&...ts)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) EqualityComparable< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator!= (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) EqualityComparable< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator!= (std::tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) EqualityComparable< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator!= (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, std::tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(EqualityComparable< F1, F2 >()&&EqualityComparable< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator!= (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(EqualityComparable< F1, F2 >()&&EqualityComparable< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator!= (std::pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(EqualityComparable< F1, F2 >()&&EqualityComparable< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator!= (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, std::pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename I , typename S , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(Sentinel< S, I >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator!= (move_iterator< S > const &i, move_sentinel< S > const &s)
template<typename I , typename S , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(Sentinel< S, I >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator!= (move_sentinel< S > const &s, move_iterator< S > const &i)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator< (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, std::tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator< (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator< (std::tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator< (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator< (std::pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator< (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, std::pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator<= (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator<= (std::tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator<= (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, std::tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator<= (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator<= (std::pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator<= (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, std::pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) EqualityComparable< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator== (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, std::tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) EqualityComparable< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator== (std::tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) EqualityComparable< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator== (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(EqualityComparable< F1, F2 >()&&EqualityComparable< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator== (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(EqualityComparable< F1, F2 >()&&EqualityComparable< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator== (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, std::pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(EqualityComparable< F1, F2 >()&&EqualityComparable< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator== (std::pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename I , typename S , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(Sentinel< S, I >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator== (move_iterator< I > const &i, move_sentinel< S > const &s)
template<typename I , typename S , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(Sentinel< S, I >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator== (move_sentinel< S > const &s, move_iterator< S > const &i)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator> (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, std::tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator> (std::tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator> (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator> (std::pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator> (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator> (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, std::pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator>= (std::tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator>= (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, std::tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename... Ts, typename... Us, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(meta::and_c<(bool) TotallyOrdered< Ts, Us >()... >::value), int >::type = 0>
bool operator>= (common_tuple< Ts... > const &a, common_tuple< Us... > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator>= (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator>= (common_pair< F1, S1 > const &a, std::pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename F1 , typename S1 , typename F2 , typename S2 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(TotallyOrdered< F1, F2 >()&&TotallyOrdered< S1, S2 >()), int >::type = 0>
bool operator>= (std::pair< F1, S1 > const &a, common_pair< F2, S2 > const &b)
template<typename Arg , typename Pipe , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(!is_pipeable< Arg >()&&is_pipeable< Pipe >()), int >::type = 0>
auto operator| (Arg &&arg, Pipe pipe) -> decltype(pipeable_access::impl< Pipe >::pipe(std::forward< Arg >(arg), pipe))
template<typename Pipe0 , typename Pipe1 , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(is_pipeable< Pipe0 >()&&is_pipeable< Pipe1 >()), int >::type = 0>
auto operator| (Pipe0 pipe0, Pipe1 pipe1) -> decltype(make_pipeable(detail::composed_pipe< Pipe0, Pipe1 >
template<template< typename... > class ContT>
detail::to_container_fn< meta::quote< ContT > > to_ ()
 For initializing a container of the specified type with the elements of an Range.
template<template< typename... > class ContT, typename Rng , typename Cont = meta::invoke<meta::quote<ContT>, range_value_t<Rng>>, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(Range< Rng >()&&detail::ConvertibleToContainer< Rng, Cont >()), int >::type = 0>
Cont to_ (Rng &&rng)
template<template< typename... > class ContT, typename T , typename Cont = meta::invoke<meta::quote<ContT>, T>, int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(detail::ConvertibleToContainer< std::initializer_list< T >, Cont >()), int >::type = 0>
Cont to_ (std::initializer_list< T > list)
template<typename Cont >
detail::to_container_fn< meta::id< Cont > > to_ ()
template<typename Cont , typename Rng , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(Range< Rng >()&&detail::ConvertibleToContainer< Rng, Cont >()), int >::type = 0>
Cont to_ (Rng &&rng)
template<typename Cont , typename T , int _concept_requires___LINE__ = 42, typename std::enable_if< (_concept_requires___LINE__==43)||(detail::ConvertibleToContainer< std::initializer_list< T >, Cont >()), int >::type = 0>
Cont to_ (std::initializer_list< T > list)

Detailed Description

Protect a callable so that it can be safely used in a bind expression without accidentally becoming a "nested" bind.

See also
The result of an unqualified call to the end free function
The result of an unqualified call to the rbegin free function
The result of an unqualified call to the rend free function
The result of an unqualified call to the begin free function with a const-qualified argument.
The result of an unqualified call to the end free function with a const-qualified argument.
The result of an unqualified call to the rbegin free function with a const-qualified argument.
The result of an unqualified call to the rend free function with a const-qualified argument.
begin(rng) if rng is an lvalue; otherwise, it returns begin(rng) wrapped in ranges::dangling.
end(rng) if rng is an lvalue; otherwise, it returns end(rng) wrapped in ranges::dangling.
See also
the result of replacing all ranges::dangling<T> objects with ranges::dangling<void>, introspecting std::pair and std::tuple objects recursively.
See also

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
meta::if_c< std::is_reference< T >)||Copyable< T >), T > ranges::v3::any_cast ( any x)
template<typename T >
meta::if_c< std::is_reference< T >)||Copyable< T >), T > ranges::v3::any_cast ( any const &  x)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<typename T >
meta::if_c< std::is_reference< T >)||Copyable< T >), T > ranges::v3::any_cast ( any &&  x)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<typename T >
T * ranges::v3::any_cast ( any p)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<typename T >
T const * ranges::v3::any_cast ( any const *  p)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<typename Cont >
detail::to_container_fn<meta::id<Cont> > ranges::v3::to_ ( )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.