Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library


Logical operations.




template<typename... Bools>
using meta::and_ = _t< defer< detail::_and_< 0==sizeof...(Bools)>::template invoke, Bools... > >
 Logically and together all the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameters, with short-circuiting.
template<bool... Bools>
using meta::and_c = std::is_same< integer_sequence< bool, Bools... >, integer_sequence< bool,(Bools||true)... > >
 Logically and together all the Boolean parameters.
template<typename... Args>
using meta::if_ = _t< detail::_if_< list< Args... > >>
 Select one type or another depending on a compile-time Boolean.
template<bool If, typename... Args>
using meta::if_c = _t< detail::_if_< list< bool_< If >, Args... > >>
 Select one type or another depending on a compile-time Boolean.
template<typename Bool_ >
using meta::not_ = not_c< Bool_::type::value >
 Logically negate the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameter.
template<bool Bool_>
using meta::not_c = bool_<!Bool_ >
 Logically negate the Boolean parameter.
template<typename... Bools>
using meta::or_ = _t< defer< detail::_or_< 0==sizeof...(Bools)>::template invoke, Bools... > >
 Logically or together all the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameters, with short-circuiting.
template<bool... Bools>
using meta::or_c = not_< std::is_same< integer_sequence< bool, Bools... >, integer_sequence< bool,(Bools &&false)... > >>
 Logically or together all the Boolean parameters.
template<typename... Bools>
using meta::strict_and = and_c< Bools::type::value... >
 Logically and together all the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameters, without doing short-circuiting.
template<typename... Bools>
using meta::strict_or = or_c< Bools::type::value... >
 Logically or together all the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameters, without doing short-circuiting.