Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library
ranges::v3::view::iter_zip_with_fn Struct Reference

Synopsis of methods

constexpr iter_zip_with_fn iter_zip_with {}

Public Types

template<typename Fun , typename ... Rngs>
using Concept = meta::and_< meta::and_< InputRange< Rngs >... >, CopyConstructible< Fun >(), Invocable< Fun &, iterator_t< Rngs >... >, Invocable< Fun &, copy_tag, iterator_t< Rngs >... >, Invocable< Fun &, move_tag, iterator_t< Rngs >... > >

Public Member Functions

template<typename... Rngs, typename Fun , requires = (Concept<Fun, Rngs...>())>
iter_zip_with_view< Fun, all_t< Rngs >... > operator() (Fun fun, Rngs &&... rngs) const