Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library
meta_lambda_rec.hpp File Reference


struct  ranges::v3::integer_sequence< T, Is >
 A container for a sequence of compile-time integer constants. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::always< T >
 A Metafunction Class that always returns T. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::bind_back< F, Us >
 A Metafunction Class partially applies the Metafunction Class F by binding the arguments Ts to the back of F. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::bind_front< F, Ts >
 A Metafunction Class that partially applies the Metafunction Class F by binding the arguments Ts to the front of F. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::compose< Fs >
 Compose the Metafunction Classes Fs in the parameter pack Ts. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::compose< F0 >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::compose< F0, Fs...>
struct  ranges::v3::meta::defer< C, Ts >
 A wrapper that defers the instantiation of a template C with type parameters Ts in a lambda or let expression. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::defer< C, Ts >
 A wrapper that defers the instantiation of a template C with type parameters Ts in a lambda or let expression. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::defer_i< T, C, Is >
 A wrapper that defers the instantiation of a template C with integral constant parameters Is in a lambda or let expression. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::extension::apply_list< F, List >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::extension::apply_list< F, integer_sequence< T, Is...> >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::extension::apply_list< F, T< Ts...> >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::flip< F >
 A Metafunction Class that reverses the order of the first two arguments. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::id< T >
 A trait that always returns its argument T. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::lazy_apply_wrap< F, Args >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::list< Ts >
 A list of types. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::list< Ts >
 A list of types. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::meta_detail::defer_< C, list< Ts...>, void_< let< defer< C, Ts...> > > >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::meta_detail::lambda_rec_< Ts, int >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::meta_detail::lambda_rec_< list< Ts...> >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::meta_detail::lazy_apply_< typename, typename, typename >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::meta_detail::lazy_apply_< F, list< Args...>, void_< apply< F, Args...> > >
struct  ranges::v3::meta::nil_
 An empty type used for various things. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::quote< C >
 Turn a class template or alias template C into a Metafunction Class. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::quote_i< T, F >
 Turn a class template or alias template F taking literals of type T into a Metafunction Class. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::quote_trait< C >
 Turn a trait C into a Metafunction Class. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::quote_trait_i< T, C >
 Turn a trait C taking literals of type T into a Metafunction Class. More...
struct  ranges::v3::meta::var< Tag, Value >
 For use when defining local variables in meta::let expressions. More...


 Protect a callable so that it can be safely used in a bind expression without accidentally becoming a "nested" bind.
 A trait that unpacks the types in the type list List into the Metafunction Class F.


using ranges::v3::meta::placeholders::_args = vararg< void >
using ranges::v3::meta::placeholders::_args_a = vararg< _a >
using ranges::v3::meta::placeholders::_args_b = vararg< _b >
using ranges::v3::meta::placeholders::_args_c = vararg< _c >
template<typename List , typename State , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::accumulate = fold< List, State, Fun >
 An alias for meta::fold. More...
template<typename List , typename State , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::accumulate = defer< accumulate, List, State, Fun >
template<class T >
using ranges::v3::meta::alignof_ = meta::size_t< alignof(T)>
 An alias that computes the alignment required for any instance of the type T. More...
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::alignof_ = defer< alignof_, T >
template<typename List , typename F >
using ranges::v3::meta::all_of = empty< find_if< List, compose< quote< not_ >, F >>>
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if apply<F, A>::value is true for all elements A in meta::list List; false, otherwise. More...
template<typename List , typename Fn >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::all_of = defer< all_of, List, Fn >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::always = defer< always, T >
template<typename... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::and_ = eval< meta_detail::_and_< Bools...>>
 Logically and together all the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameters, with short-circuiting.
template<typename... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::and_ = defer< and_, Bools...>
template<bool... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::and_c = std::is_same< integer_sequence< bool, Bools...>, integer_sequence< bool,(Bools||true)...>>
 Logically and together all the Boolean parameters.
template<typename List , typename F >
using ranges::v3::meta::any_of = not_< empty< find_if< List, F >>>
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if apply<F, A>::value is true for any element A in meta::list List; false, otherwise. More...
template<typename List , typename Fn >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::any_of = defer< any_of, List, Fn >
template<typename F , typename... Args>
using ranges::v3::meta::apply = typename F::template apply< Args...>
 Evaluate the Metafunction Class F with the arguments Args.
template<typename F , typename... Args>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::apply = defer< apply, F, Args...>
template<typename C , typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::apply_list = eval< extension::apply_list< C, List >>
 Applies the Metafunction Class C using the types in the type list List as arguments.
template<typename F , typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::apply_list = defer< apply_list, F, List >
template<typename Sequence >
using ranges::v3::meta::as_list = eval< meta_detail::as_list_< Sequence >>
 Turn a type into an instance of meta::list in a way determined by meta::apply_list.
template<typename Sequence >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::as_list = defer< as_list, Sequence >
template<typename List , typename N >
using ranges::v3::meta::at = eval< meta_detail::at_< List, N >>
 Return the N th element in the meta::list List. More...
template<typename List , typename N >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::at = defer< at, List, N >
template<typename List , std::size_t N>
using ranges::v3::meta::at_c = at< List, meta::size_t< N >>
 Return the Nth element in the meta::list List. More...
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::back = eval< meta_detail::back_< List >>
 Return the last element in meta::list List. More...
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::back = defer< back, List >
template<typename Fn , typename... Ts>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::bind_back = defer< bind_back, Fn, Ts...>
template<typename Fn , typename... Ts>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::bind_front = defer< bind_front, Fn, Ts...>
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::bit_and = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value &U::type::value), T::type::value &U::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of bitwise-and'ing the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::bit_and = defer< bit_and, T, U >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::bit_not = std::integral_constant< decltype(~T::type::value),~T::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of bitwise-complimenting the wrapped integer T::type::value.
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::bit_not = defer< bit_not, T >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::bit_or = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value|U::type::value), T::type::value|U::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of bitwise-or'ing the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::bit_or = defer< bit_or, T, U >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::bit_xor = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value^U::type::value), T::type::value^U::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of bitwise-exclusive-or'ing the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::bit_xor = defer< bit_xor, T, U >
template<bool B>
using ranges::v3::meta::bool_ = std::integral_constant< bool, B >
 An integral constant wrapper for bool.
template<typename ListOfLists >
using ranges::v3::meta::cartesian_product = reverse_fold< ListOfLists, list< list<>>, quote_trait< meta_detail::cartesian_product_fn >>
 Given a list of lists ListOfLists, return a new list of lists that is the Cartesian Product. Like the sequence function from the Haskell Prelude. More...
template<typename ListOfLists >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::cartesian_product = defer< cartesian_product, ListOfLists >
template<char Ch>
using ranges::v3::meta::char_ = std::integral_constant< char, Ch >
 An integral constant wrapper for char.
template<typename... Fns>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::compose = defer< compose, Fns...>
template<typename... Lists>
using ranges::v3::meta::concat = eval< meta_detail::concat_< Lists...>>
 Concatenates several lists into a single list. More...
template<typename... Lists>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::concat = defer< concat, Lists...>
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::count = fold< List, meta::size_t< 0 >, bind_back< quote< meta_detail::count_fn >, T >>
 Count the number of times a type T appears in the list List. More...
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::count = defer< count, List, T >
template<typename State , typename Val , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::meta_detail::count_fn = if_< std::is_same< Val, T >, inc< State >, State >
template<typename List , typename Fn >
using ranges::v3::meta::count_if = fold< List, meta::size_t< 0 >, bind_back< quote< meta_detail::count_if_fn >, Fn >>
 Count the number of times the predicate Fn evaluates to true for all the elements in the list List. More...
template<typename List , typename Fn >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::count_if = defer< count_if, List, Fn >
template<typename State , typename Val , typename Fn >
using ranges::v3::meta::meta_detail::count_if_fn = if_< apply< Fn, Val >, inc< State >, State >
template<typename F , typename Q = quote<list>>
using ranges::v3::meta::curry = compose< F, Q >
 A Metafunction Class that takes a bunch of arguments, bundles them into a type list, and then calls the Metafunction Class F with the type list Q.
template<typename F , typename Q = quote<list>>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::curry = defer< curry, F, Q >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::dec = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value), T::type::value-1 >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of decrementing the wrapped integer T::type::value.
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::dec = defer< dec, T >
template<template< typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
using ranges::v3::meta::defer_trait = lazy::eval< defer< C, Ts...>>
 A wrapper that defers the instantiation of a trait C with type parameters Ts in a lambda or let expression. More...
template<typename T , template< T...> class C, T... Is>
using ranges::v3::meta::defer_trait_i = lazy::eval< defer_i< T, C, Is...>>
 A wrapper that defers the instantiation of a trait C with integral constant parameters Is in a lambda or let expression. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::divides = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value/U::type::value), T::type::value/U::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of dividing the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::divides = defer< divides, T, U >
template<typename List , typename N >
using ranges::v3::meta::drop = eval< meta_detail::drop_< List, N >>
 Return a new meta::list by removing the first N elements from List. More...
template<typename List , typename N >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::drop = defer< drop, List, N >
template<typename List , std::size_t N>
using ranges::v3::meta::drop_c = eval< meta_detail::drop_< List, meta::size_t< N >>>
 Return a new meta::list by removing the first N elements from List. More...
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::empty = bool_< 0==size< List >::type::value >
 An Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if List is an empty type list; false, otherwise.
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::empty = defer< empty, List >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::equal_to = bool_< T::type::value==U::type::value >
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around the result of comparing T::type::value and U::type::value for equality.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::equal_to = defer< equal_to, T, U >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::eval = typename T::type
 "Evaluate" the trait T by returning the nested T::type alias.
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::eval = defer< eval, T >
template<typename... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::fast_and = and_c< Bools::type::value...>
 Logically and together all the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameters, without doing short-circuiting.
template<typename... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::fast_and = defer< fast_and, Bools...>
template<typename... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::fast_or = or_c< Bools::type::value...>
 Logically or together all the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameters, without doing short-circuiting.
template<typename... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::fast_or = defer< fast_or, Bools...>
template<typename List , typename Predicate >
using ranges::v3::meta::filter = fold< List, list<>, meta_detail::filter_< Predicate >>
 Returns a new meta::list where only those elements of List A that satisfy the Metafunction Class Predicate such that apply<Pred,A>::value is true are present. That is, those elements that don't satisfy the Predicate are "removed".
template<typename List , typename Predicate >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::filter = defer< filter, List, Predicate >
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::find = eval< meta_detail::find_< List, T >>
 Return the tail of the list List starting at the first occurrence of T, if any such element exists; the empty list, otherwise.
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::find = defer< find, List, T >
template<typename List , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::find_if = eval< meta_detail::find_if_< List, Fun >>
 Return the tail of the list List starting at the first element A such that apply<Fun, A>::value is true, if any such element exists; the empty list, otherwise.
template<typename List , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::find_if = defer< find_if, List, Fun >
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::find_index = eval< meta_detail::find_index_< List, T >>
 Finds the index of the first occurrence of the type T within the list List. Returns #meta::npos if the type T was not found. More...
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::find_index = defer< find_index, List, T >
template<typename F >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::flip = defer< flip, F >
template<typename List , typename State , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::fold = eval< meta_detail::fold_< List, State, Fun >>
 Return a new meta::list constructed by doing a left fold of the list List using binary Metafunction Class Fun and initial state State. More...
template<typename List , typename State , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::fold = defer< fold, List, State, Fun >
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::front = eval< meta_detail::front_< List >>
 Return the first element in meta::list List. More...
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::front = defer< front, List >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::greater = bool_<(T::type::value > U::type::value)>
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if T::type::value is greater than U::type::value; false, otherwise.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::greater = defer< greater, T, U >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::greater_equal = bool_<(T::type::value >=U::type::value)>
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if T::type::value is greater than or equal to U::type::value; false, otherwise.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::greater_equal = defer< greater_equal, T, U >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::has_type = eval< meta_detail::has_type_< T >>
 An alias for std::true_type if T::type exists and names a type; otherwise, it's an alias for std::false_type.
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::id = defer< id, T >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::id_t = eval< id< T >>
 An alias that is type T. Useful in non-deduced contexts.
template<typename... Args>
using ranges::v3::meta::if_ = eval< meta_detail::_if_< Args...>>
 Select one type or another depending on a compile-time Boolean.
template<typename... Args>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::if_ = defer< if_, Args...>
template<bool If, typename... Args>
using ranges::v3::meta::if_c = eval< meta_detail::_if_< bool_< If >, Args...>>
 Select one type or another depending on a compile-time Boolean.
template<bool If, typename... Args>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::if_c = if_< bool_< If >, Args...>
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::in = not_< empty< find< List, T >>>
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if there is at least one occurrence of T in List.
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::in = defer< in, List, T >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::inc = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value), T::type::value+1 >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of incrementing the wrapped integer T::type::value.
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::inc = defer< inc, T >
template<int I>
using ranges::v3::meta::int_ = std::integral_constant< int, I >
 An integral constant wrapper for int.
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::is_valid = meta_detail::is_valid_< T >
 For testing whether a deferred computation will succeed in a let or a lambda.
template<typename ListOfLists >
using ranges::v3::meta::join = apply_list< quote< concat >, ListOfLists >
 Joins a list of lists into a single list. More...
template<typename ListOfLists >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::join = defer< join, ListOfLists >
template<typename... Ts>
using ranges::v3::meta::lambda = if_c<(sizeof...(Ts) > 0), meta_detail::lambda_< list< Ts...>>>
 For creating anonymous Metafunction Classes. More...
template<typename... Ts>
using ranges::v3::meta::lambda_rec = meta_detail::lambda_rec_< list< Ts...>>
 For defining a self-recursive lambda. In the body of a lambda, the placeholder _self refers to the nearest enclosing lambda_rec More...
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::less = bool_<(T::type::value< U::type::value)>
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if T::type::value is less than U::type::value; false, otherwise.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::less = defer< less, T, U >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::less_equal = bool_<(T::type::value<=U::type::value)>
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if T::type::value is less than or equal to U::type::value; false, otherwise.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::less_equal = defer< less_equal, T, U >
template<typename... As>
using ranges::v3::meta::let = eval< meta_detail::eval_let_< eval< meta_detail::let_< As...>>>>
 A lexically scoped expression with local variables. More...
template<typename... As>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::let = defer< let, As...>
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::max = if_< less< U, T >, T, U >
 An integral constant wrapper around the maximum of T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::max = defer< max, T, U >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::min = if_< less< U, T >, U, T >
 An integral constant wrapper around the minimum of T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::min = defer< min, T, U >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::minus = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value-U::type::value), T::type::value-U::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of subtracting the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::minus = defer< minus, T, U >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::modulus = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value%U::type::value), T::type::value%U::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the remainder of dividing the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::modulus = defer< modulus, T, U >
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::multiplies = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value *U::type::value), T::type::value *U::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of multiplying the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::multiplies = defer< multiplies, T, U >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::negate = std::integral_constant< decltype(-T::type::value),-T::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the remainder of dividing the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::negate = defer< negate, T >
template<typename List , typename F >
using ranges::v3::meta::none_of = empty< find_if< List, F >>
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around true if apply<F, A>::value is false for alls elements A in meta::list List; false, otherwise. More...
template<typename List , typename Fn >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::none_of = defer< none_of, List, Fn >
template<typename Bool >
using ranges::v3::meta::not_ = not_c< Bool::type::value >
 Logically negate the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameter.
template<typename Bool >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::not_ = defer< not_, Bool >
template<bool Bool>
using ranges::v3::meta::not_c = bool_<!Bool >
 Logically negate the Boolean parameter.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::not_equal_to = bool_< T::type::value!=U::type::value >
 A Boolean integral constant wrapper around the result of comparing T::type::value and U::type::value for inequality.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::not_equal_to = defer< not_equal_to, T, U >
using ranges::v3::meta::npos = meta::size_t< std::size_t(-1)>
 A special value used to indicate no matches. It equals the maximum value representable by std::size_t.
template<typename... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::or_ = eval< meta_detail::_or_< Bools...>>
 Logically or together all the integral constant-wrapped Boolean parameters, with short-circuiting.
template<typename... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::or_ = defer< or_, Bools...>
template<bool... Bools>
using ranges::v3::meta::or_c = not_< std::is_same< integer_sequence< bool, Bools...>, integer_sequence< bool,(Bools &&false)...>>>
 Logically or together all the Boolean parameters.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::plus = std::integral_constant< decltype(T::type::value+U::type::value), T::type::value+U::type::value >
 An integral constant wrapper around the result of adding the two wrapped integers T::type::value and U::type::value.
template<typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::plus = defer< plus, T, U >
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::pop_front = eval< meta_detail::pop_front_< List >>
 Return a new meta::list by removing the first element from the front of List. More...
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::pop_front = defer< pop_front, List >
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::push_back = eval< meta_detail::push_back_< List, T >>
 Return a new meta::list by adding the element T to the back of List. More...
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::push_back = defer< push_back, List, T >
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::push_front = eval< meta_detail::push_front_< List, T >>
 Return a new meta::list by adding the element T to the front of List. More...
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::push_front = defer< push_front, List, T >
template<typename N , typename T = void>
using ranges::v3::meta::repeat_n = eval< meta_detail::repeat_n_c_< N::type::value, T >>
 Generate list<T,T,T...T> of size N arguments. More...
template<typename N , typename T = void>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::repeat_n = defer< repeat_n, N, T >
template<std::size_t N, typename T = void>
using ranges::v3::meta::repeat_n_c = eval< meta_detail::repeat_n_c_< N, T >>
 Generate list<T,T,T...T> of size N arguments. More...
template<typename List , typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::replace = eval< meta_detail::replace_< List, T, U >>
 Return a new meta::list where all instances of type T have been replaced with U. More...
template<typename List , typename T , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::replace = defer< replace, T, U >
template<typename List , typename C , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::replace_if = eval< meta_detail::replace_if_< List, C, U >>
 Return a new meta::list where all elements A of the list List for which apply<C,A>::value is true have been replaced with U. More...
template<typename List , typename C , typename U >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::replace_if = defer< replace_if, C, U >
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::reverse = reverse_fold< List, list<>, quote< push_back >>
 Return a new meta::list by reversing the elements in the list List. More...
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::reverse = defer< reverse, List >
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::reverse_find = eval< meta_detail::reverse_find_< List, T >>
 Return the tail of the list List starting at the last occurrence of T, if any such element exists; the empty list, otherwise.
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::reverse_find = defer< reverse_find, List, T >
template<typename List , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::reverse_find_if = eval< meta_detail::reverse_find_if_< List, Fun >>
 Return the tail of the list List starting at the last element A such that apply<Fun, A>::value is true, if any such element exists; the empty list, otherwise.
template<typename List , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::reverse_find_if = defer< reverse_find_if, List, Fun >
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::reverse_find_index = eval< meta_detail::reverse_find_index_< List, T >>
 Finds the index of the last occurrence of the type T within the list List. Returns #meta::npos if the type T was not found. More...
template<typename List , typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::reverse_find_index = defer< reverse_find_index, List, T >
template<typename List , typename State , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::reverse_fold = eval< meta_detail::reverse_fold_< List, State, Fun >>
 Return a new meta::list constructed by doing a right fold of the list List using binary Metafunction Class Fun and initial state State. More...
template<typename List , typename State , typename Fun >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::reverse_fold = defer< reverse_fold, List, State, Fun >
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::size = meta::size_t< List::size()>
 An integral constant wrapper that is the size of the meta::list List.
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::size = defer< size, List >
template<std::size_t N>
using ranges::v3::meta::size_t = std::integral_constant< std::size_t, N >
 An integral constant wrapper for std::size_t.
template<class T >
using ranges::v3::meta::sizeof_ = meta::size_t< sizeof(T)>
 An alias that computes the size of the type T. More...
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::sizeof_ = defer< sizeof_, T >
template<typename... Args>
using ranges::v3::meta::transform = eval< meta_detail::transform_< Args...>>
 Return a new meta::list constructed by transforming all the elements in List with the unary Metafuncion Class Fun. transform can also be called with two lists of the same length and a binary Metafunction Class, in which case it returns a new list constructed with the results of calling Fun with each element in the lists, pairwise. More...
template<typename... Args>
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::transform = defer< transform, Args...>
template<typename F >
using ranges::v3::meta::uncurry = bind_front< quote< apply_list >, F >
 A Metafunction Class that takes a type list, unpacks the types, and then calls the Metafunction Class F with the types.
template<typename F >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::uncurry = defer< uncurry, F >
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::unique = fold< List, list<>, quote_trait< meta_detail::insert_back_ >>
 Return a new meta::list where all duplicate elements have been removed. More...
template<typename List >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::unique = defer< unique, List >
template<typename T >
using ranges::v3::meta::vararg = meta_detail::vararg_< T >
 For defining variadic placeholders.
template<typename... Ts>
using ranges::v3::meta::void_ = apply< always< void >, Ts...>
 An alias for void.
template<typename ListOfLists >
using ranges::v3::meta::zip = zip_with< quote< list >, ListOfLists >
 Given a list of lists of types ListOfLists, construct a new list by grouping the elements from the lists pairwise into meta::lists. More...
template<typename ListOfLists >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::zip = defer< zip, ListOfLists >
template<typename Fun , typename ListOfLists >
using ranges::v3::meta::zip_with = transform< fold< ListOfLists, repeat_n< size< front< ListOfLists >>, Fun >, bind_back< quote< transform >, quote< bind_front >>>, quote< apply >>
 Given a list of lists ListOfLists of types and a Metafunction Class Fun, construct a new list by calling Fun with the elements from the lists pairwise. More...
template<typename Fun , typename ListOfLists >
using ranges::v3::meta::lazy::zip_with = defer< zip_with, Fun, ListOfLists >


template<char... Chs>
constexpr fold< list< char_< Chs >...>, meta::size_t< 0 >, quote< meta_detail::atoi_ > > ranges::v3::meta::operator""_z ()
 A user-defined literal that generates objects of type meta::size_t.