Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library
span.hpp File Reference


struct  ranges::v3::span< T, N >


template<typename T , detail::span_index_t N>
span< unsigned char const, detail::byte_size< T >N)> ranges::v3::as_bytes (span< T, N > s) noexcept
template<typename T , detail::span_index_t N>
span< unsigned char, detail::byte_size< T >N)> ranges::v3::as_writeable_bytes (span< T, N > s) noexcept
template<typename ElementType >
constexpr span< ElementType > ranges::v3::make_span (ElementType *ptr, detail::span_index_t count) noexcept
template<typename ElementType >
constexpr span< ElementType > ranges::v3::make_span (ElementType *first, ElementType *last) noexcept
template<typename Rng , requires = (ContiguousRange<Rng>() && range_cardinality<Rng>::value < cardinality{})>
constexpr span< concepts::ContiguousRange::element_t< Rng > > ranges::v3::make_span (Rng &&rng) noexcept(noexcept(ranges::data(rng), ranges::size(rng)))
template<typename Rng , requires = (ContiguousRange<Rng>() && range_cardinality<Rng>::value >= cardinality{})>
constexpr span< concepts::ContiguousRange::element_t< Rng >, static_cast< detail::span_index_t >range_cardinality< Rng >::value)> ranges::v3::make_span (Rng &&rng) noexcept(noexcept(ranges::data(rng)))


constexpr detail::span_index_t ranges::v3::dynamic_extent = -1