Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library
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file  adjacent_filter.hpp
file  adjacent_remove_if.hpp
file  all.hpp
file  any_view.hpp
file  bounded.hpp
file  c_str.hpp
file  chunk.hpp
file  concat.hpp
file  const.hpp
file  counted.hpp
file  cycle.hpp
file  delimit.hpp
file  drop.hpp
file  drop_while.hpp
file  empty.hpp
file  filter.hpp
file  for_each.hpp
file  generate.hpp
file  generate_n.hpp
file  group_by.hpp
file  indirect.hpp
file  intersperse.hpp
file  iota.hpp
file  join.hpp
file  map.hpp
file  move.hpp
file  partial_sum.hpp
file  remove_if.hpp
file  repeat.hpp
file  repeat_n.hpp
file  replace.hpp
file  replace_if.hpp
file  reverse.hpp
file  set_algorithm.hpp
file  single.hpp
file  slice.hpp
file  split.hpp
file  stride.hpp
file  tail.hpp
file  take.hpp
file  take_exactly.hpp
file  take_while.hpp
file  tokenize.hpp
file  transform.hpp
file  unbounded.hpp
file  unique.hpp
file  view.hpp
file  zip.hpp
file  zip_with.hpp